Monday, October 29, 2007

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I wanted so it is not lost, keep the idea of India Manfred here. I think a collaboration with Indian School of extremely interesting, and although
  • because I think we can therefore get very many students
  • because it thematically much hergibt:

consideration of outsourcing strategies by both sides - it yes everyone has what it

  • cultural aspects of outsourcing
  • economic aspects
  • technical aspects

I believe, however, in that a program should not limit topics to the point that something like "outsourcing" in its name will appear - one can afford to go a higher level of abstraction?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

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M.Sc. BIS - Search

the compilation of the categories I find it very good, and your vision very interesting - I'm not even so much that I could formulate a vision as coherent. Yet it goes in the direction of strategic applications of IT in companies and organizations, "and thus also comprises such aspects of the OE and the tech management.

As an interim step: what do the others - and I watch sometimes national & international (You've got the "international appeal" as an argument to be related), in the order of my googling, otherwise no prioritization. The (mainly German) programs that have no effort given to the website, do not operate or expansion of this program really busy, I have of not outset on the list:

- Royal Holloway London (a not so . great College of the Univ of London - 7000 students, but strong growth and a rich tradition), many Studentan from abroad: the "core courses" are kept fairly general ("People & Technology", etc.) - key characteristic : high Beteille by the (medium) industry.

Humboldt Univ. - my impression: a largely "vision-less" program. Classic elements of any WI training at a higher level, interdisciplinarity is enshrined in the module, but not really convincing.

Univ. of Bolton (Greater Manchester Area) - also comparable in magnitude (6000 Student), more modern M Sc. Curriculum - focus on management and new media. Special features: connection to local industry and especially research parks.

FHDW (Paderborn / Bielefeld / Dresden) - IT Management and Information Systems M Sc. - much on management and IT Strategy designed to topics including implementation management, IT cost control, legal (!).

Univ. of Manchester Business School - very large, successful, offers a range of different Masters - this could especially be useful for finding vision. Examples: e-Government / e-business technology, etc.

Stuttgart Media University - also new to the media aligned with relatively little computer science course-specific knowledge.

TU Clausthal - stated application focus energy management as a USP (Following a research center of Lower Saxony). The module list does contain business intelligence courses, emphasis is probably technology management, and e-commerce, CSCW and the Web.

- Middlesex Univ. (UK) ,
puts the emphasis on strategy, Qualitätsmgmt in the IT area, and the legal and regulatory implications.

- Hochschule Liechtenstein : emphasizes the teaching of social skills and leadership skills in addition to the transfer of expertise.

- London School of Economics - the WI group has joined forces with the Dept. of Mgmt at a department which now sees our FB I like ... - There are four programs: Analysis, Design and Mgmt of IS, IS and Organisations (Research Focus), Communication, Information and Society (a specialty LSE), IS and Innovation (very industry-centered program).

- In the U.S. you have to look way more like "MSc Business and Information Management" (management focus), or after a "MSc Management Information System" - the extent of the latter program, students can be in the structure and content of the Laudon & Laudon textbook read.

- Oxford Said Business School, INSEAD, etc. make do with BIS does not. Too specialized - only finance an exception. In addition, strong research teams in the background. Where is our theme it identifies is, however, is always the management perspective in the foreground.

And here's an interesting review article from, the Anglo-Saxon attitude to the MSc. summarizes well.

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establishment of a Master's program in M.Sc. Business Information Systems

for the establishment of a Master's program in business computer science, several fundamental decisions: first

If the master degree program offered without partners solely on the BSE?

second The degree should be offered together with a regional partner in the Berlin / Brandenburg. So for example, cooperation with (TFH, FH Potsdam, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, FH Wildau, FHVR, TU, FU, HU)

3. If the program together with international partners (existing and new partners) are offered? In this case, an offer would be complete sense in English.

4th Finally, it found a profile (of gravity), which is attractive to students and teachers, takes into account the needs of the labor market and is perhaps a unique feature for the FHW. Possible profiles could lie in the following areas:

- Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management
- IT Service Management for SMEs
- Administrative computer science (in cooperation with FHVR)
- Information and Communication Management
- Development and orchestration of SOA applications

So, this would at first an overview of the possible decision fields. It is certainly everyone of us have his priorities. I myself have seen them also and my vision is as follows.

The M. Sc. Business Information Systems, focuses on Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management is a full three-semester course in English and is offered in cooperation with American and Indian university. Here, the students are one semester in the U.S. study (with one of our new partners), at the School of Economics and an Indian School (new partner).

This course has an interesting Focus that is in high demand from the labor market. The cooperation is of interest both for students and for teachers. The implementation of the study at three universities in America, Europe and Asia is a unique feature that reinforces our international focus.

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expansion of the program B.Sc. Economic computer science

There are essentially three reasons, the current annual intake of new students in the computer science industry to change to a semester admission:

first Students who have not passed immediately into a compartment of their business computer science exam must wait a year to provide proof of their performance again. This is certainly not in Sense of effective studying.

second For over three years to rising demands for trained undergraduate computer science students of the economy, so that our graduates have excellent job prospects.

third The introduction of a Master's program of economic computer science can be used on a large number of its own bachelor's graduates.

Linked to this extension is an additional need for rooms, computer rooms and teachers. Apart from the need for additional lecture rooms for non-WiInf subjects obtained at admission in the summer semester of each year an additional need of capacity in computer rooms (as the base year SS08) SS08

WS08 +18 +18 +36

WS09 SS09 SS10
+56 +64 +56

WS10 SS11 +86

This means that in the next 4 years after conversion in each winter semester, a new PC pool must come to.

This additional requirement of hours per semester is also apparent in the subjects of computer science industry. If you want to cover those hours to about 50% by professors, so would be a start in the SS08 following appointments:

WAS 08 1 job 09 1 point

WAS WAS 10 1 job

premise is that the average retirement in this area continued falling bodies are immediately filled.

The need for additional space and staff for non-economic computer science subjects could be achieved most simply by the fact that the "great program" will be reduced by a cohort (35 students) from conversion.

Despite these constraints, I am for an extension of the bachelor's program in business computer science and would support a request to the department.