Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dry And Tight Before Period

Gender equitable practices in occupational safety and health promotion at the A + A 2009

At 31 International Congress on Occupational Safety and Health, (A + A) of 3 to 6 was held November 2009 in Dusseldorf, was the first time the issue of gender will be placed prominently in a workshop. The workshop was held under the title:

Gender equitable practices in occupational safety and health promotion

and headed by Marianne way by the Hessian Ministry of Labour, Family and Health. She heads the Health and Safety Division.

members of the network of gender in work and health presented results of action-oriented Research and examples of good practice and tools for operational implementation. The relevance, role models and practical transferability of the presented approaches were the subject of discussion.
The event was to motivate the health and safety responsibilities and tasks, to include the approach to gender mainstreaming in the activities of the actors in the company health and safety in the risk assessment in prevention and workplace health promotion, it was shown how and with what "added value" Gender mainstreaming realizable.

The dimension "sex" means analytically and practically involved with: the more quality (problem or Hazard) analysis, higher target and accuracy of policies and measures, better acceptance and feedback from stakeholders and managers.
The examples were from the shipbuilding, mining and chemical industries, the IT sector, service sector, retail and public administration.

They showed

  • that gender differences and, the influence stresses during operation, at work there,
  • that the operational management of work-related stresses and risks of gender roles (stereotypes) is affected
  • that the individual Perception and Coping patterns of workers depend on their gender,
  • be that the effectiveness and success of the safety organization, management of occupational safety and workplace health promotion increased if they take into account gender issues systematically.

14:00 - 14:15 clock
occupational safety and health promotion of gender justice better?
Marianne way, Hessian Ministry of Labour, Family and Health / Barbara Reuhl, workers Bremen Chamber

14:15 - 14:30 clock
over spending and health - the pressures of jobs for men in the shipyard industry and in the IT industry
Dr. Wolfgang Hien, Research Office of Labour, Health and biographies

14:35 - 14:50 clock
project Gender / stress - Tailored practical approaches to psychological stress
in business, administration and telecommunications
Michael Gümbel, subject GbR Organisation Consulting

14:55 - 15:10 clock
health promotion for women and men in chemical companies and the energy
Maria Büntgen, Orbet organizational planning & business analysis

15:15 - 15:35 clock
Corporate Health management and gender mainstreaming in the Berlin administration
Jörg Bewersdorf, Berliner tax

15:40 - 15:55 clock
Clean, safe, confident
Bärbel Lohmann, specialized services for occupational health and safety of the Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen

16:00 - 17:00 Panel Discussion clock

Occupational Safety and Health Promotion - more gender-balanced?
Chair: Barbara Reuhl, workers Bremen Chamber

It discussed:
Marianne way
Michael Gümbel
Dr. Wolfgang Hien
Sabine Herberg, Bayer CropScience AG

find summaries of the papers on the website of the A + A (here) .

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie On The Stairs

network directory!

In recent days the first Book of the network released! We would like to introduce the book experience and concepts of the network from different perspectives.
The book contains the following articles:
  • Stephan Brandenburg / Hans-L. Endl / Edel Glänzer / Petra Meyer / Margret Moenig-Raane: Preface
  • Angela Brown / Michael Gümbel / Barbara Reuhl: Introduction: The network of gender in work and health
  • Michael Gümbel: gender (mainstreaming) in work and health
  • Wolfgang Hien: About spending and health at work - we are experiencing a renaissance of old role models?
  • Inga Fokuhl: All right? - Starting points for a gender-sensitive health and safety in health care and welfare
  • Maria Büntgen / Cornelia Leunig: Workplace health promotion for men and women in the field of organization of the IG BCE
  • Heike Werner / Sonja Nielbock: gender roles and psychological stress in the workplace. The purpose of the project "Gender / stress"
  • Claudia Dunst gender-based workplace health promotion. Experiences from a pilot project of the DGB Berlin Brandenburg
  • Nadine Pieck: Gender in work and health. Corporate health management as an organizational development
  • Frauke Koppelin / Bernd Müller-Dohm: Health Promotion through coaching. A project with masters from the automotive industry
  • Bärbel Lohmann, women professionals and specialists in cleaning questions. Occupational Safety and human resource development in employees in commercial cleaning in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
  • Christian Janssen: Operational arrangements for a gender-sensitive health promotion
  • Barbara Reuhl: Sometimes more than "small differences" - Risk assessment of gender justice
  • Sylvia Skrabs: health gender justice in the tariff policy . integrate A joint project of the ver.di tariff policy principles and areas of gender policy
  • Laurent Vogel: The gender gap in the European Health and safety.
Stephan Brandenburg / Hans-L. Endl / Edel Glänzer / Petra Meyer / Margret Moenig-Raane (ed.) (2009): Work and health: gender justice? Preventive occupational health policy from the perspective of men and women. Hamburg: VSA-Verlag. 204 pages. € 16.80. ISBN 978-3-89965-387-8.

The book can also be ordered directly from the publisher (click here) .

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Can I Use Cooking Oil For Face


Who are we?
We, the giraffe is an independent university student group. The
means that we not tied to any one party from the Diet. We are
not subject to ideological constraints, but we are pragmatic and for
the interests of students. We do not lose in ideological
small wars, but to keep track of-the vision of a giraffe.
Right now can afford the student council no ideological struggles
grave. We need an active, pragmatic and student representation
none that repeated blunt always the old slogans.
Since 1976, the giraffes are committed to competent and independent in
student parliament, the student bodies, the faculty councils and in the Senate.
We continue to meaningful student representation can provide, we ask you to
your voice!

regardless Why?
The interests of students in higher education policy, unfortunately, often neglected.
The students are represented by groups that are interested in more rigid
ideologies, as the welfare of students. We giraffes do not represent the interests of a party
from the Romans or from parliament, but guarantee
an independent student representation. We are not a training ground for
the parliamentary parties. This distinguishes us from other higher education groups. The old
right / left - camp thinking is obsolete for us because it no single student
helps. We are concerned with improving the conditions for studying at our university. This
we are open and pragmatic. We solve problems through constructive cooperation and
not with the party membership.

What do we stand?
- Despite the foundation for transforming the university must "JWGU" continue their
educating the general public needs. Funding for the elites may not be
load for other students. The Goethe-University must continue the training of
"mass students" and encouraging the academic elite understood as
equivalent tasks. Only then can the elite promotion Impetus for
assume a positive development of the university.
- The program must remain affordable for every student. But instead to stir up fears of
introduction of tuition fees after the state election, the Student Council
develop new concepts, how it deals with tuition fees.
This is a constructive dialogue between the student council and the board of the University
necessary. Such talks had repeatedly denied the AStA simple.
- Student demonstrations have been peaceful. We do not allow
that a radical minority, the entire student body in a bad light
indented. If students only struck by the fact that they occupy highways
damage or buildings that would hinder the pursuit of student interests
- giraffes We are a group of students from various
fields: law, medicine, Sinology, Geography, Archaeology, Mathematics and Business Administration
. We are present on all campuses and therefore see immediately where it
for improvement. The improvement of study conditions
we want to achieve in a constructive dialogue. Therefore, we run for students
Parliament, student bodies, faculty councils and the Senate.
- We stand for honesty and transparency, for foresight and pragmatism.
We not only think of our next political fortune, but to a long-term
positive development of our university. We have reached the Department of Law
longer opening times of the library. Moreover
we helped keep the postal ballot available at our university.

choose giraffes Why?
Who elects the giraffe can only win. We want to avoid fees on a
constructive level and make us strong against the increase of student
contributions. We promote high school sports at our university. We are
for longer opening times of libraries and better equipment one. We guarantee
openness and transparency.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Print Confirmation For Niv Appointment

Welcome to the blog of the network's gender in work and health

The network has existed since around 2003. With this blog we want to create a platform to make our work known to the public to draw attention to interesting events and publications and the Discussion on gender issues in the context of work and health.

the network people and institutions are represented, the deal scientifically, politically and in practice with issues of importance of gender mainstreaming for health in the working environment.

are the three main objectives:

  • exchange of technical, professional and business practical political issues
  • development of the subject and public relations, for example in the form of conferences, experts and expert meetings and publications
  • toast and participating in specific projects

A first representation of the network we have created for a poster at the congress "Safety + Health" in 2005 in Dusseldorf. The poster can be downloaded .

The network includes the following:

  • Barbara Reuhl, workers Bremen Chamber
  • Sissi Banos, IG Metall board, Gender Mainstreaming
  • Maria Büntgen, Orbet - organizational planning and operational analysis
  • Michael Gümbel, subject GbR Organizational consulting
  • Axel Herbst, Consulting - Seminars - Project Manager, c / o Work and Health Association, Hamburg
  • Christian Janssen, Dipl.-Psych. PP, employee representatives
  • Mänz + Rossmann organizational development, Hanover
  • Nadine Pieck, Institute for interdisciplinary Science, Leibniz University Hannover
  • Regine round nail, management "company Work and ergonomics - online eV
  • Sylvia Skrabs, ver.di United Services Union, Federal
  • Heike Werner, ver.di United Services Union, the field of gender policy
  • Eva Zinke, IG Metall board , Health Promotion

The network is open to other parties. Please contact Michael Gümbel